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Prepaid funeral plans from Golden Charter

As everyone has different needs when it comes to funeral planning, Golden Charter make sure their pre-paid funeral plans are as flexible as possible.

Home ยป Funeral Planning Updated 2023

Talking about death with people you care about is not easy, however, being open and honest often makes it less frightening and, it gives everyone the opportunity to plan ahead, and do whatโ€™s right for them.

Bennetts Funeral Directors and Golden Charter

At Bennetts Funeral Directors, weโ€™re proud to partner with Golden Charter, one of the UKโ€™s largest funeral plan providers1. With a Golden Charter funeral plan you can choose us as your preferred funeral director. When the time comes, weโ€™ll take care of your wishes locally with the utmost care and respect.

It means your Golden Charter funeral plan offers the best of both worlds โ€“ the reassurance of a leading plan provider and our personal care and service when it matters most. Rest assured a plan from Golden Charter is available to all UK residents regardless of age or state of health.

A simple way to secure peace of mind

Talking about death and funerals isnโ€™t easy. And yet there are several very good reasons why having a funeral plan in place makes perfect sense โ€“ from an emotional, practical and financial point of view. From a traditional funeral, to something simpler, with a plan in place you can make sure you get the send-off you really want.

A plan allows you to specify your wishes and pay for the funeral directorโ€™s services included in your plan. As customers often tell us, that can bring peace of mind to you and your family. A plan from Golden Charter also includes an allowance towards third party costs. These are essential, non-funeral director services such as the cremation or burial fees, plus the minister or officiantโ€™s fee to perform the service.

The value of the allowance included in your plan may grow over time. There will only be more to pay at the time of the funeral if the third party costs exceed the allowance when you buy your plan, or if the costs increase by more than the growth of your plan.

You’re in safe hands with us

Would you like to know more information about how a Golden Charter funeral plan could work for you? Golden Charter can provide you with all of the information you need to make an informed decision for you and your family, so get in touch today!

Ready to take the next step? Call Golden Charter on 0800 090 2495 and quote Bennetts Funeral Directors.

As well as the comfort of having a plan in place, you’ll have the peace of mind that comes with being able to help save your family from worry and expense in the future. So why not take the next step?

ย 1Based on a Golden Charter analysis and independent research of the funeral plan market size as at January 2023.
Bennetts Funeral Directors Ltd is an introducer appointed representative of Golden Charter Limited trading as Golden Charter Funeral Plans which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN:965279).


Last year, 69% of people made financial provisions for their funeral before they passed away 4


But only 59% of these people made enough provisions to cover the cost of the whole funeral 4


19% of families experienced notable financial concerns when paying for a funeral, using savings, borrowing from a friend or relative, or by using a credit card 4

Golden Charter Prepaid Funeral Plans Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it important to start thinking about my funeral and the cost of it?

If you donโ€™t plan ahead for your funeral, your family may need to make financial arrangements very quickly when the time comes, as well as deal with the emotional strain of coming to terms with losing their loved one. By paying for the funeral director services included in your plan in advance, you can save your family some worry, while reassuring yourself that you and your loved ones can be certain of a truly personal service when it matters most.

I have enough money in savings, why do I need a funeral plan?

The average cost of a funeral has increased by over 28% in 10 years โ€“ and is predicted to rise again in 2023.4 Looking at the steep increase in prices over the last 10 years, could you be sure that your savings or over 50s insurance policy will cover the cost of your funeral?

Unlike over 50s policies, a funeral plan gives you the opportunity to fix the cost of the funeral directorโ€™s services included in your plan at todayโ€™s prices. Once your plan is paid for 3 there will be nothing more to pay for these services โ€“ guaranteed.

Can I transfer my plan to someone else?

You can transfer the benefit of your funeral plan to a nominated family member or friend who passes away before you, once the total cost of the plan has been paid. Any change of arrangements following such a transfer (for example, a change of address for the nominated family member or friend leading to increased transportation costs) may mean that Golden Charter would have to appoint a different funeral director. It may also mean that you need to pay additional sums.

How can I be sure my money is protected until it's needed to pay for my funeral?

Your payments are held within the Golden Charter Trust. With ยฃ1.2 billion under management, 5 the Golden Charter Trust is operated by a Board of Trustees, completely independent of Golden Charter. Their role is to hold your funeral plan payments and ensure that the funeral director services included in your plan can be paid for at the time they are required โ€“ however far into the future that may be.

For more information on how your payments are protected, please visit

Can anyone apply for a Golden Charter funeral plan?

Golden Charter funeral plans are available to all UK residents, regardless of age or state of health. If you choose to pay by the instalment payment option you must be aged under 78 at the start date of your plan and pay the total cost by your 80th birthday. There are no maximum or minimum age limits if choosing to pay by single payment or by 12 monthly payments.

What if I die while in another country?

If you intend to travel overseas, we recommend that your travel or medical insurance policy includes cover for repatriation costs back to mainland UK. Your funeral plan covers the cost of transportation of the deceased from the relevant UK airport or port to the funeral directorโ€™s premises.

What happens once I've bought my plan?

Golden Charter will send you a plan documents folder with all the information about your plan, as well as a membership card. If you have opted to have a nominated representative for your plan, they will receive a letter shortly after you have purchased your funeral plan. This will advise that you have put a plan in place and provide details of your appointed funeral director.

You will also receive a customer statement which will be sent to you every three years using your preferred method of contact.

1. Based on a Golden Charter analysis and independent research of the funeral plan market size as at January 2023.
2. Correct at March 2023.
3. Or after 12 consecutive payments and as long as your payments remain up to date if you choose the instalment payment option.
4. SunLife Cost of Dying Report 2023
5. Confirmed by Golden Charter Trustโ€™s audited accounts at 31 March 2022.