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Memorial masonry, engraving and ornamentation

Memorial engraving on headstones, tablets and plaques creates a story of a life well lived
so should be given much thought and planning.

Home ยป Funeral Services ยป Stone Memorials ยป Engraving
Memorial masonry

From the simply cut to the truly unique, we offer a beautiful and extensive range of elegant and distinctive memorials.ย 

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Garden memorials

For those who like to keep their loved ones ashes at home, we consider stacked slate urns a wonderful idea especially if your loved one enjoyed their gardens, nature and the great outdoors.

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Memorial renovations

Our comprehensive range of cleaning, repair and renovation services will restore your loved one's memorial to its former glory.

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Memorial engraving

There are many options to consider when deciding on memorial engraving, but with a no-rush approach, itโ€™s possible to create a truly unique memorial for your loved one.

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Memorial regulations

Bennetts will apply for the permission, on your behalf, to erect a memorial on a grave or to add an additional inscription on an existing memorial. ย  It is important that rules and regulations are adhered to as there are restrictions which apply.

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Assured NAMM member

Our skilled stone masons are members of NAMM, The Nationalย  Association of Monumental Masons, so you can rest assured that you have a highly qualified, memorial mason at your disposal.

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Assured BRAMM member

Our skilled stone masons are members of BRAMM, The British Register of Memorial Masons, improving the standards of construction, installation, and safety within UK cemeteries and churchyards

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There are many options to consider when deciding on memorial engraving, but with a no-rush approach, itโ€™s possible to create a truly unique memorial for your loved one.

Memorial inscription

After selecting the type of memorial and the material from which it should be carved, you then decide on the epitaph or inscription to be engraved on it. Take your time when writing an epitaph, talk to family and think about that personโ€™s passions, what did they love, and what would they have liked to see on their memorial?ย  We will need to seek permission for the memorial and the inscription from the burial authority.

Memorial ornamentation

Most designs that you see in our memorial booklets, or a design that you provide us with, can be etched onto new granite memorials. From simple flowers to more elaborate figures and scenes. The image should represent the deceasedโ€™s beliefs, lifestyle, and personality.ย  We will need to seek permission for this from the burial authority.

Choosing the font

The font of the inscription will impact the entire design. Traditionally either a Roman, old English, or a script-like font was used, today they tend to be more simple.ย  Some fonts require a deeper cut than others and may not be clear when incised into certain materials. Italics are usually reserved for bible passages, quotes, and poetry, while a bolder text is used for names and dates. Speak to us for recommendations.

Memorial lettering

Lettering is cut or sometimes sandblasted into the memorial stone. Following this process, it is usual to finish the letters in a variety of ways. For example, a white marble may have black lettering, a black granite may have gold. All types of lettering should last a good many years, depending on how the memorial is cared for.

When faced with the often difficult task of choosing a commemorative memorial, itโ€™s vital that the correct help and advice is available. If you require further information regarding memorial engraving or have any questions regarding our monumental memorials service, please donโ€™t hesitate to speak to a member of staff at Bennetts Funeral Directors.

Call us on 01277 210104, we are here to help.