Bennetts Funeral Directors in Essex
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Simple funerals and direct cremations

Simple funerals are becoming increasingly popular.
Why do people choose this type of funeral?

Home ยป Funeral Types ยป The simple funeral

Simple and low cost funerals

For those wishing to arrange a simple, dignified funeral service, Bennetts Funeral Directors offer two low-cost fuenral options.

A complete, attended simple funerals cremation service at a lower cost with no compromise on the quality of service delivered.

Also available is our direct cremation service which is an unattended cremation with no service.ย 

Both of these services are low-cost, however, the cost is not always the reason why this type of funeral is chosen.ย  It may be that the person who has died wanted to opt for a simpler send-off.

The simple funeral

A lower-cost funeral option that includes the essential funeral elements that families expect necessary for a respectful and dignified funeral. The Simple Cremation Service is an attended cremation funeral that includes all essential administration and necessary staff at the funeral.

The unattended cremation service

A dignified cremation service carried out by our professional staff. Our Unattended Cremation Service (sometimes known as direct cremation) excludes the traditional funeral features that would normally involve a service or procession and hearse. Our assurance is given that your loved one will still retain all respect and will remain within our care at our Brentwood funeral home until the day of the service.

Help with funeral costs

If you think you may have trouble meeting the costs of the funeral, you may be eligible for a non-repayable grant, please discuss this with us at the time of arranging a funeral, Bennetts Funerals can offer you helpful advice.

Funeral Directors arranging low cost and simple funerals in Essex

Bennetts Funeral Directors of Essex have over 130 years of experience in arranging all types of funeral service at varying costs. All aspects of our Simple Funeral Service, offering low-cost cremation are taken care of by our dedicated team of undertakers.

Call us on 01277 210104 and 01277 627492,ย We are here to help.