Discover first hand, how we work, tour the premises and learn how we support our local families when they need us the most.
Join us for our monthly funeral directors open evening
Reaching out to the community, Bennetts Funeral Directors are holding our fourth monthly open evening, for allied colleagues and the public on Wednesday 7th of August. This valuable session will demonstrate at first hand, how we work and the professional care and the trusted services we provide to the deceased and their families.
Included in these events will be a talk, where we explain how we look after the deceased once they have been taken into our care, and a tour of the premises. If you need advice on bereavement support, our funeral services or would like to know more about what to do when someone dies, our friendly team will be happy to answer any questions you may have, to help put your mind at rest.
If any new staff members of hospice or care homes would like advice, or training on what to do when a resident dies we can offer help with this too.
Supporting bereaved families since 1891
We very much look forward to seeing you.
At : Bennetts Funeral Directors “Fern House’. 120 High Street, Brentwood CM14 4AS.
Allied colleagues 5pm – 6pm.
Members of the public 6pm – 7.30pm.
Allied colleagues are welcome to stay for the public session.
Refreshments will be provided.
All funeral director open evening dates for 2024
June 5th
July 3rd
August 7th
September 4th
October 2nd
We are a SAIF Registered Independent Funeral Director
Registered with the National Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors (SAIF) you can be assured our highly trained staff offer a professional service, underpinned by the SAIF industry-leading Code of Practice.
For further information on our open evenings, or advice on what to do when someone dies, please email email: craig@bennettsfunerals.co.uk
Or call: 01277 210104