To help tackle funeral poverty, we provide practical support, to assist people in arranging affordable funerals.
Planning a funeral is something many of us do with little or no prior experience. Additionally, the rising cost of living is leaving many people struggling to cope. The financial burden of paying for a loved ones’ funeral can be incredibly stressful.
Funeral poverty, is when the price of a funeral is beyond a person’s ability to pay the costs.
With increasing pressure to prioritise everyday living costs, expenses associated with funerals can get overlooked. Shockingly, it is estimated that more than 100,000 people will struggle to pay funeral costs this year.
Financial pressure can be placed on individuals and families
Many people ask for limited money to be spent on their funeral, saying just ‘put me in a box’. However it’s not that simple for those tasked with organising and paying for the funeral. Not least because of the way in which funerals can be interpreted as a measure of the deceased person’s standing and the love their family had for them.
Funeral costs can place financial and emotional burdens on the finances of bereaved families. Sadly, many people worry about not being able to afford ‘a decent send-off’ for their loved ones.
Is there funeral poverty help available?
While none of us really like to think about this, there are ways your local funeral director can help.
Funeral cost transparency
Firstly, all funeral directors are legally required to publish a Price List for a standardised set of products and services. This is to help you think through your options and make choices. It enables you to compare prices between different funeral directors. As a responsible funeral director we are committed to complete transparency in our funeral costs. We will always inform the bereaved of the many different funeral options available to them.
Our staff will highlight the most cost effective, alternative funerals that we can help families arrange.
Simple funerals and direct cremation
Secondly your funeral director can offer sound and practical advice. Compared to the traditional funeral, there are more cost effective ways of making funeral arrangements. A direct cremation is a lower-cost funeral option that includes the essential elements for a respectful and dignified funeral. The Simple Cremation Service includes administration and necessary staff at the funeral.
Pre-paid funeral plans
Pre-paid funeral planning can be a cost effective way of fixing the cost of your funeral in advance and taking the financial burden away from loved ones.
Peace of mind can be gained from putting your affairs in order ahead of time. Your legacy to your loved ones won’t be a big funeral bill that they’ll struggle to pay. You can tell them that you’ve got it all sorted and then put it out of your mind!
Can you get financial help to pay for a funeral?
Bennetts Funeral Directors are committed to supporting people who find themselves in a position of funeral poverty. We will advise you of any financial support available. There are grants known as Social Fund Funeral Payments available to assist those on low incomes with the cost of bereavement. Additionally, a Funeral Expenses Payment from the Government can be applied for. A Public Health Funeral through your Local Authority is another option that can be pursued.
We believe that talking more freely about dying is a positive thing to do. Making conversations easier and overcoming the taboo of death in our society, preparing us all for what lies ahead.
Funeral Poverty Help
If you need to talk to a member of our team about funeral poverty or need guidance on what to do when someone dies, please get in touch. Our friendly team are always here to help.