Our highly recommended independent funeral directors, offer all professional services for arranging a funeral.
As possibly one of the most ignored major life events that we would rather not encounter, you will not be surprised to know that choosing a funeral director is not high on many people’s agendas.
So when is the best time to find the right funeral director to care for you or a loved one? Well, we would always advise that this would be before the need arises. Then you or your family will not be under pressure to do so when someone has passed away and there are so many other stressful and upsetting decisions to make.
When considering how to choose a funeral director these tips may help:
1. Codes of Practice
We believe that an important factor is that your funeral director is a member of either the National Association of Funeral Directors (NAFD) or the National Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors (SAIF). These governing bodies have strict codes of practice which their members are bound by. In addition, in the unlikely event of something going wrong and you have to make a complaint, these Associations will support you.
2. Can they cater to your specific wishes?
If you require specific funeral wishes to be carried out, we would advise you to check that the funeral director is able to meet those requirements and that they will ensure that they are fulfilled to the letter.
3. Transparency of Funeral Directors’ costs
Funeral Directors are required to make available a price list of all products and services they offer. Ask for a copy and compare it with other Funeral Directors. Are there more cost-effective funeral packages available?
4. Continuity of Care
At a time when you need stability and reassurance that things will be ok, continuity of care is more important than ever. The best funeral directors will always offer this level of service as standard and you should expect no less. The person who you see when attending the first appointment to arrange the funeral (your Arranger), is likely to be your single point of contact throughout the whole process, although if that person is ever absent for any reason any member of the company would be able to assist you. Your Arranger may not be the person who looks after you on the day of the funeral (your Conductor); if that is the case, the Arranger and the Conductor would have liaised closely in relation to all wishes/arrangements, to ensure that everything runs smoothly on the day. If your Arranger is not the Conductor on the day, then the Conductor will contact you during the days leading up to the funeral to introduce themselves and to ensure that any last-minute concerns are addressed for you.
5. Changing your mind is not a problem
Even if you get to the point where a loved one has passed away and the wheels are in motion, if you suddenly have misgivings and are not happy with your choice of a funeral director, it’s not too late to change your mind. A few phone calls can sort things out with a minimum of fuss and your preferred funeral director can take over from that point onwards.
To summarise, if your still not sure about how to choose a funeral director the remember this, good funeral director will be there for you right from the start, offering help and advice on what to do after a death and relieving the burden of those who need to arrange the funeral. Allowing families and loved ones the time they need to adjust to the loss and attend to other necessary arrangements. For this reason, it is vital that you are confident that you have chosen the right funeral director for you.
Your local Funeral Director
Bennetts Funeral Directors, established in 1891 has a dedicated team of dignified and caring staff to guide you through all funeral arrangements with sensitivity and professionalism, to ensure you and your family receive the best service at all times.