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Home » The Tree of Angels Sponsored by Bennetts Funeral Directors
Tree of angels sponsored by Bennetts Funeral Directors

Sponsored by Bennetts, light up an angel on our virtual Christmas Tree.

Let a loved one know that you are thinking of them or remember some one who has died, and support this vital local children’s charity.

The Tree of Angels Remembers Loved Ones

This Christmas, Bennetts Funeral Directors are proud to sponsor the BCCS Tree of Angels. Throughout December, it can be used as a way of posting a prayer or dedication for a loved one you have lost.

The Tree of Angels will continue to shine throughout the period of Advent and can also be used to let a friend or family member know you are thinking of them, or simply to send a Christmas greeting to someone you may not be seeing over the holiday.

Supporting Children in the Local Community

The BCCS are a very hard working local children’s charity that deliver vital mental health and emotional wellbeing services in schools across Essex and East London. They provide a wide range of support and advice services to over 100 schools, for over 1,000 children, enhancing the lives of vulnerable children and young people who may be difficult facing challenges.

By promoting resilience and greater self-awareness, their aim is to empower more positive life choices for those in their care, and by doing this, they help them, and their families, navigate through difficult times.

How to Choose Your Angel for the Tree

Click the link below to go directly onto the secure platform where you will be invited to choose your Angel to place on the tree, write your dedication, upload an image if you wish, and make a donation.

You will also have the option to light multiple angels, choose your donation amount and select Gift Aid if it applies.