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Applying for Probate and the Will

What is Probate? And what happens if you can’t find a Will? Our brief guide should help put your mind at rest.

Home ยป What to do when someone dies ยป Applying for Probate and the Will
When someone dies

When someone dies, the first steps you need to take will depend on how and where they died. See our useful guide to find out more.

What to do when someone dies

Choosing a funeral director

The death of a loved one is one of the most upsetting experiences we have to go through. So, when choosing a good funeral director, what should you be looking out for?

Choosing a Funeral Director

How to register a death

Before you can begin to plan a funeral for your loved one you will need to register the death at the Registrarโ€™s Office. Itโ€™s important that this is carried out within 5 days of receiving the medical certificate. Here we will explain how to register a death in Essex.

Guide to registering a death

Help with funeral costs

Bereavement is, without doubt, a devastating experience that can increase financial strain. If youโ€™re in a position where you canโ€™t afford to pay for a funeral, there are options available and you may be eligible for a Funeral Expenses Payment from the Social Fund.

Help with Funeral Expenses

Simple & affordable probate services

Laurelo are committed to making probate simple, straightforward and affordable. Winners of several awards including Probate Provider of the Year 2022 and 2023 they provide a friendly probate service tailored to your needs.

Find out more about Laurelo Probate Services

Who to notify

Having to deal with the affairs of the deceased immediately after their death can be complicated and upsetting, however, sorting out these issues is an essential task that we can guide you through. If you are worried about who to tell when someone has died, our simple checklist will act as a handy guide to help you through the process.

Who to Notify Checklist

Useful contacts


Essex Registrar
Tel: 0345 603 7632
Find your nearest registration office when registering a death

Essex Coroners Office

Chelmsford: 0333 013 5000
Essex & Thurrock: 01245 506837
Southend: 01245 506806

See Other Useful Contacts

Funeral price options

We are pleased to offer a number of price options, which include Unattended Cremation, Simple Cremation, and the Traditional Funeral package.

See Our Price Options

How to simplify the death notification process

Life Ledger a free, easy-to-use, service helping the recently bereaved inform businesses across the UK of the death of a loved one. ย Their platform reduces the administrative burden around death and simplifies the death notification process for both the bereaved and the companies they need to inform.

Learn more about Life Ledger

Having worked in the same industry, and alongside Bennetts, there was no question that when my mum passed away that Bennetts would be our chosen Funeral Director. Always professional and respectful from start to finish.

Mrs G

from Stanstead

review stars

Applying for Probate, the process

For such a small word, the โ€˜Probateโ€™ process can be long and complicated to deal with when somebody dies.ย  It can prove to be incredibly challenging, especially when combined with an already difficult time.

In simple terms โ€˜Probateโ€™ is a document giving legal authority to manage the estate of a person who has passed away. However, it is important to note that nowadays โ€˜Probateโ€™ is more of a process rather than an instantaneous act.

A simple solution

To ensuring a smooth โ€˜Probateโ€™ process it’s vital that your personal affairs are in order before you die.

This means making it clear exactly what belongs to you of value and therefore what would be considered as โ€˜yoursโ€™. These belongings are referred to as your individual Estate. This includes listing down (whether it be on paper or using technology) any bank accounts, savings accounts, investments, insurance policies, property, shares or personal belongings, etc.

In addition to this, it is imperative to ensure you have an up-to-date Will which is legally valid. Making a Will is vital if you want to be certain that your wishes will be met after you die. And, in particular, to ensure that your estate passes to the people and the causes that you care about. Making a Will also certifies that your family is protected. For example in relation to the guardianship of children. Once you have made your Will, be sure to let your Executors know where they can find it.

Applying for Probate, the document

Whilst โ€˜Probateโ€™ is the description of an overall process, the word โ€˜Probateโ€™ is also used to describe a document issued by the Family Division of the Court.

Being granted โ€˜Probateโ€™ is being granted permission to settle an Estate belonging to a deceased person.

To make matters a little more complicated there are two types of โ€˜Probateโ€™:

  1. A Grant of Probate
  2. A Grant of Representation


Grant of Probate

When the Deceased made a valid Will, they would have appointed โ€˜Executorsโ€™ of their Will. You will usually inform somebody if you are appointing them as your Executor. This is a big role to fulfill which holds great legal and personal responsibility.

This is because Executors are the people responsible for making sure that not only all assets belonging to the Deceased are administered but that the Estate is distributed to those named in the Will. This (more often than not) means that the Executor would have to complete an Inheritance Tax Form in accordance with the requirements from HMRC and in turn, make an application to the Court for a Grant of Probate.

The Grant of Probate itself is an A4 document which essentially states that the named Executors are entitled to sell any assets belonging to the Deceased. This could be, for example a property or shares. They would also close any bank accounts or investment accounts, realise insurance policies, and pay any of the Deceasedโ€™s debts. When all assets have been realised, it is the role of the Executor to distribute the Estate to the beneficiaries listed in the Deceasedโ€™s Will. This could be to individuals or charities.

    Grant of Representation

    A Grant of Representation (also known as A Grant of Letters of Administration) is granted by the Court when the Deceased did not make a Will. Or, alternatively, if the Will that the Deceased did make is invalid.

    In the circumstances where the Deceased did not make or Will or the Will is invalid, the process is slightly different as you must turn to the statutory Rules of Intestacy. The Rules of Intestacy provide a listed hierarchy of relatives who would not only โ€˜inheritโ€™ the responsibility of administering the Estate but also โ€˜inheritโ€™ the Deceasedโ€™s Estate itself.

    Those with the responsibility of administering the Estate are called the โ€˜Personal Representativesโ€™.

    Those that take on the role of โ€˜Personal Representativeโ€™ are responsible for making sure that assets belonging to the Deceased are administered and distributed in accordance with the Rules of Intestacy. It should be noted that you do not have to accept the role. This (more often than not) means that the Personal Representative would have to complete an Inheritance Tax Form in accordance with the requirements from HMRC and in turn, send an application to the Court for a Grant of Representation.

    A lot of people do still refer to this document as โ€˜Probateโ€™ because, for all practical purposes, the two types of Grant (Grant of Probate and Grant of Representation) are identical. The Grant of Representation itself is also an A4 document which essentially states that the named Personal Representatives are entitled to realise all assets belonging to the Deceased and distribute the Estate to entitled beneficiaries.

    Applying for Probate, is it really necessary?

    Applying for Probate (either a Grant of Probate or a Grant of Representation) depends on the assets forming the Deceasedโ€™s Estate.

    As such, there are circumstances where a Grant of Probate is not needed. This is often when the value of the estate is less than ยฃ10,000 and only includes cash funds held in deposit accounts. In these circumstances, you do not usually need to obtain a Grant of Probate to access the money. This is because Estates of this size are deemed to be โ€˜Small Estatesโ€™ and the banks will often release funds to the Executor or the Personal Representative upon sight of the Death Certificate.

    On the other hand, where the Estate includes certain assets such as property, shares, certain types of insurance policies, or money in bank accounts over the value of ยฃ10,000, the Executor or Personal Representative will always need to obtain Probate.

    The application

    It is possible to apply for Probate yourself or alternatively, you can work with a solicitor. The latter may be advisable if the Estate is large or complex.

    There are several stages in the process of applying for Probate, and it can take a little while to complete the whole process.

    The key stages in the process are:

    1. Register the death.
    2. Establish whether there is a Will โ€“ remember to check the Deceasedโ€™s house or with their Solicitor. The Will may give directions regarding the Deceasedโ€™s funeral wishes.
    3. Investigate the value of the Estate to establish whether an application for a Grant of Probate or Grant of Representation is needed.
    4. Complete the necessary Inheritance Tax Form and pay any tax owed to HMRC.
    5. Submit the application for Probate by completing the necessary forms and paying the submission fee.
    6. Wait for the court to grant Probate โ€“ this can usually take between 4 โ€“ 10 weeks.

    Once Probate has been granted, the Executors of Personal Representatives can start to settle the Estate. This includes closing accounts and distributing gifts in line with the intentions of the Deceasedโ€™s Will.

    If you need help with applying for probate or any of the above matters, Jessie Stewart at Landons Solicitors will always be a friendly voice at the end of the phone should you wish to speak with her, Jessieโ€™s telephone number is 01277 210021 and her email address is: