Bennetts Funeral Directors in Essex
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Essex Funeral Directors

How to choose a good funeral director

An experienced funeral director should support you in many ways throughout the making of funeral arrangements.

Home ยป What to do when someone dies ยป Choosing a funeral director
When someone dies

When someone dies, the first steps you need to take will depend on how and where they died. See our useful guide to find out more.

What to do when someone dies

How to register a death

Before you can begin to plan a funeral for your loved one you will need to register the death at the Registrarโ€™s Office. Itโ€™s important that this is carried out within 5 days of receiving the medical certificate. Here we will explain how to register a death in Essex.

Guide to registering a death

Probate & the will

What is Probate? And what happens if you canโ€™t find a Will?
Our brief guide should help put your mind at rest.

Probate and will guide

Help with funeral costs

Bereavement is, without doubt, a devastating experience that can increase financial strain. If youโ€™re in a position where you canโ€™t afford to pay for a funeral, there are options available and you may be eligible for a Funeral Expenses Payment from the Social Fund.

Help with Funeral Expenses

Simple & affordable probate services

Laurelo are committed to making probate simple, straightforward and affordable. Winners of several awards including Probate Provider of the Year 2022 and 2023 they provide a friendly probate service tailored to your needs.

Find out more about Laurelo Probate Services

Who to notify

Having to deal with the affairs of the deceased immediately after their death can be complicated and upsetting, however, sorting out these issues is an essential task that we can guide you through. If you are worried about who to tell when someone has died, our simple checklist will act as a handy guide to help you through the process.

Who to Notify Checklist

Useful contacts


Essex Registrar
Tel: 0345 603 7632
Find your nearest registration office when registering a death

Essex Coroners Office

Chelmsford: 0333 013 5000
Essex & Thurrock: 01245 506837
Southend: 01245 506806

See Other Useful Contacts

Funeral price options

We are pleased to offer a number of price options, which include Unattended Cremation, Simple Cremation, and the Traditional Funeral package.

See Our Price Options

How to simplify the death notification process

Life Ledger a free, easy-to-use, service helping the recently bereaved inform businesses across the UK of the death of a loved one.  Their platform reduces the administrative burden around death and simplifies the death notification process for both the bereaved and the companies they need to inform.

Learn more about Life Ledger

โ€œI felt that you were very empathetic towards me and understanding at such a difficult time. You listened to my needs, where my relative was concerned, and as a family. I do not feel that I could say a bad word about you, as one whole team that took care of my relative. You were so lovely and I thank you all.โ€œ

Mrs K

from Harold Hill

review stars

What does a good funeral director do?

How to choose a good funeral director should be a simple process if you follow our guidance below.

A good funeral director will be experienced in all aspects of arranging a funeral, ensuring the whole process of planning and holding the funeral runs smoothly. Understanding the needs of the family and offering expert knowledge in a compassionate and caring way to guide the bereaved through a difficult time. Choosing a good funeral director who can support you through each step can take a large weight off your shoulders.

The key services your funeral director should offer are:

  • Care of the deceased until the day of the funeral
  • Expert advice on planning the funeral ceremony and types of funeral available
  • Coffin bearers and a choice of coffins
  • The style of funeral transport, both hearses, and limousines
  • Completion of all paperwork pertaining to the legalities of the cremation or burial
  • Manage all funeral arrangements up to and including the funeral ceremony
  • A detailed explanation of all aspects of funeral costs

They should also offer help and advice in relation to:

  • Order of service and other funeral stationery
  • Dressing the deceased
  • Finding an appropriate minister or celebrant if required
  • Funeral venue and catering
  • Writing and placing an obituary in the local or national press
  • Organising funeral flowers, online memorial pages, and donations

How to choose a good funeral director in Essex

By choosing a Funeral Director that is a registered SAIF member (National Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors), bereaved families can be assured of a compassionate, professional approach, highly trained staff, and affordability at all times, underpinned by the SAIF industry-leading Code of Practice.  You can view the funeral directors SAIF code of practice here

Donโ€™t be afraid to ask questions

Funeral directors will be happy to answer any questions you may have, to help put your mind at rest.

For example:

Bennetts Funeral Directors are available to answer any questions you may have, including how to choose a good funeral director, and to guide you when making decisions to ensure that you are able to give your loved one the funeral that is most appropriate to them, be it simple or elaborate. Bennetts Funeral Directors also offer ongoing bereavement support programmesโ€”please ask for details.

Call 01277 210104 ( 24/7 ) or 01277 627492

Click here for directions to our offices

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